Family Hubs to host series of SEND support sessions
Families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are invited to attend a series of support sessions at the Family Hubs in Wolverhampton.
The programme, including workshops on Understanding Autism and Understanding Behaviour as well as drop-in sessions and an already sold-out coffee morning, aim to provide valuable insights and support for families.
Drop-in sessions take place at Rocket Pool Family Hub on Wednesday 5 June from 12.30-2.30pm and Graiseley Family Hub on Monday 1 July from 11am-1pm, where parents and carers will have the opportunity to speak with SEND professionals on a one-to-one basis to receive personalised advice and support. No booking is necessary. Alternatively, phone appointments are available on Thursday 20 June from 12.30–2.30pm. To book an appointment, please email Rachel Watson via or call 07494 059248.Meanwhile, Wolverhampton Outreach Service is hosting an online Understanding Autism and Understanding Behaviour workshop on Thursday 20 June from 9.30am-noon. Contact Rachel Watson as above to reserve a place, or visit
Councillor Jacqui Coogan, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, said: "We are dedicated to ensuring that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.
“These new sessions at the Family Hubs are a vital resource for families in our community, offering direct access to expert advice and assistance."
Wolverhampton's eight Family Hubs offer 'one stop shops' where families and parents-to-be can get advice and guidance on a range of matters to support them through pregnancy and beyond, including birth registrations, infant feeding, stay and play sessions, mental health and wellbeing, health visiting support and parenting classes.
They support families with children to the age of 18, or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and also provide a wide range of other services including help and advice on benefits and welfare rights, getting into work, relationship building and adult education. For more details, please visit