£1m boost for youth arts and culture in Wolverhampton
Almost £1million is set to be invested in arts and culture activities for young people in Wolverhampton. A partnership of local...
Good luck to students collecting their results this month
Students collecting their GCSE, A-level and other results this month are being wished the very best of luck. Thousands of students in...
Youngsters invited to National Read a Book Day celebration
Young bookworms are being invited to mark National Read a Book Day at a special event hosted by Wolverhampton Health Visiting Service and...

Yo! Wolves supports Ready, Set, Acti-Fit
Wolverhampton's biggest ever Yo! Wolves summer programme is now in full flow, with thousands of children and young people signing up to...

Yo! Wolves supports New Park Village Activities Network
Holiday activities provided through the Yo! Wolves summer programme are now in full flow, with thousands of children and young people...

School social worker pilot project hailed a success
A pilot programme to embed social workers in a number of secondary Wolverhampton schools has been hailed a success – enabling...

Celebrations as Family Hubs network is officially launched
A special event was held to celebrate the official opening of Wolverhampton's new network of Family Hubs on Monday (31 July, 2023)....
WV Active launches more free SEND sessions this summer
The City of Wolverhampton Council's WV Active leisure centres are launching an exciting programme of activities for children and young...

WV Active unveils more Yo! Wolves summer attractions
More exciting free activities have been added to the Yo! Wolves summer programme thanks to the City of Wolverhampton Council's WV Active...

Junior rated Good on track to become Outstanding, say inspectors
Ofsted says a junior school which is currently rated Good could become Outstanding at its next inspection. Inspectors visited Christ...